Schell Genetics is dedicated in ensuring that the principles and duties of safeguarding children, young people, and adults at risk are holistically, consistently and conscientiously applied with the wellbeing of all, at the heart of what we do.

Safeguarding means protecting a person’s health, wellbeing, and human rights; enabling them to live free from harm, abuse, and neglect. It is an integral part of providing high-quality health care. Safeguarding children, young people and adults is a collective responsibility.

Those most in need of protection include:

  • Children and young people
  • Adults at risk, such as those receiving care in their own home, people with physical, sensory, and mental impairments, and those with learning disabilities.

Everyone, whether they work in a hospital, a care home, in general practice, or in providing community care, and whether they are employed by a public sector, private, or not-for-profit organisation, have a responsibility to safeguard children and adults at risk of abuse or neglect.

How to raise a safeguarding concern

If you think you or someone you know is being abused or neglected, you should tell someone you trust. This could be a friend, a teacher, a family member, a social worker, a doctor or healthcare professional, a police officer or someone else that you trust. Ask them to help you report it.

Supporting people when concerns are raised about abuse or neglect can be very difficult and distressing for everyone involved. Deciding what’s the right thing to do can be stressful, particularly if the person you are concerned about is reluctant to accept support. If you are not sure what to do you can always seek advice.

At Schell Genetics, we take you seriously. If you have concerns about a child or vulnerable adult, please contact us and inform Dr Schell-Apacik

– via e-mail ( or

– via regular mail (395 Canon Hill Ln, London SW20 9HH) or

– give us a call 020 8133 9990.

Alternatively, you may wish to contact your local Council or the London Borough of Merton.

Concerns in relation to adults may be reported by calling Merton’s Safeguarding Adults hotline on 0845 618 9762 or by emailing

Concerns in relation to children may be reported by calling the Merton Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 020 8545 4226 or 020 8545 4227 (in urgent cases – out of hours on 020 8770 5000), or by emailing

To report a crime: In an emergency, contact the police, call 999. If the person is not in immediate danger, contact the police, call 101.

Further information can be found on the website under

Please see also our Safeguarding Policy for more detailed information.